You do not have to be an experienced chef schooled in the fine culinary arts of Mexican cuisine to know how to make a option of tasty foods with that unforgettable and distinctive southwestern flair. And don't make the all too base mistake of mental Mexican foods are much too complicated to get ready just because they are so full of flavor as many dishes are uncomplicated to make using the most ordinary of ingredients.
The Mexican culture living in one of the largest countries in the world has all the time greatly appreciated flavorful foods. In fact, all celebrations throughout the country's history have been coupled with a range of fascinating meals and dishes including appetizers, desserts, salads, and soups. Then, after Spain invaded Mexico in the early 1500s and brought along with them even more spices and ingredients that were commonly used in their own meal preparations, Mexican cuisine became even more aromatic and flavorful.
Today Mexican foods are a excellent blend of any dissimilar cultures, each bringing with them their own unique ingredients or techniques to enhance upon so many mouthwatering meals. For an authentic tasting but easy to get ready Mexican dish, try your hand at production uncomplicated quesadillas which can be served as an appetizer after being cut into pieces or served whole as the main course.
Fill flour tortillas with shredded queso fresco, cheddar, and pepper jack cheeses along with shredded beef, chicken, or pork. Use white onions, chopped chili peppers, tomatoes, and spices such as cumin, Mexican oregano, fresh cilantro, and chili powder along with salt and black pepper to originate a quick and easy Mexican dinner. Alternatively, if you are tired of tortillas, why not try egg rolls instead?
Cheesy Mexican Egg Rolls Recipe
What You Need
1 pound ground beef 1 1.25 ounce package taco seasoning mix 4 cups vegetable oil 1 14 ounce package egg roll wrappers 1 (about 4 ounces) can diced green chilies, drained 2 cups pepper jack cheese, shredded 1-1/2 cups cheddar cheese, shredded
How to Make It
In a large skillet, crumble and brown the ground beef over medium to high heat. When all of the meat is evenly browned, drain the grease and discard.
Sprinkle the taco seasoning mix all over the ground beef and cook the meat according to the directions on the package. Set the cooked beef aside.
Prepare the egg rolls by laying out each one and spooning about a slight more than 1 tablespoon of ground beef into the center. Add a small spoonful of green chilies to each egg roll along with some shredded cheddar cheese and roll up. Seal the edges of the egg roll with a slight bit of water if needed.
In a large skillet, heat about an inch of vegetable oil over medium heat. Fry each of the egg rolls for about 5 minutes or until they are golden brown on all sides.
Drain the cheesy Mexican egg rolls on paper towels for a slight or two to dispell the excess oils but serve them while they are still steaming hot.
Serves 12
Tasty Mexican Food Recipes For The Beginner Cook 12 OUNCES EQUALS HOW MANY CUPS
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