If a person is diagnosed with diabetes, your physician will propose you go to a licensed dietician. The licensed dietician will help you in creating a favorable diabetes diet menu for your daily food intake.
The main calculate a diabetic needs a diabetes diet menu is to regulate the carbohydrate and sugar intake in his everyday meal. Regulating does not necessarily mean having to stop eating sweets and your favourite dishes. This diet menu only aspires to immediately lower the glucose levels in the blood.
Below is a sample diabetes diet menu that will supply you the right amount of nutrients for your daily needs. Retention carbohydrate intake at minimal level is the key to checking the insulin levels to normal levels.
Everyone knows that a diabetes diet menu is hard to follow. Many citizen have started to take this for granted due to their daily menu being bitter or tasteless. These menu ideas can help you have a diet that is not the same each passing day.
For breakfast: Diabetics are recommended to take their morning meal at least after an hour upon waking up.
• 3/4 cup of cereals with a cup of strawberry together with a cup of low - fat milk will do.
• 2 slices of whole wheat toast laced with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter and a banana.
For Lunch: Remember to prioritize this one. This should be your biggest meal of the day. A mix of protein, carbohydrates, dairy and vegetables or fruits is the ideal meal for a diabetic.
• 1 cup of vegetable soup. A turkey sandwich (1 ounce turkey) on a whole wheat bread together with a small apple.
• 1 cup steamed broccoli together with 3 ounces lean roast beef on a whole bread. The sandwich could be laced with 2 tablespoon of mustard.
For dinner: A diabetic's evening meal plate should be well balanced. You can add supplementary fat in this meal provided you add supplementary minutes of exercise in the morning before eating breakfast.
• 4 ounces of chicken breast seasoned with herbs and cooked in mono-saturated cooking oil. 2/3 cups of rice and a vegetable salad dresses in low - fat dressing. A small slice of angel food cake may be added in this menu.
• 6 ounce of broiled white fish together with a mixed green salad dressed with reduced fat dressing. A 2/3 cup of whole wheat couscous is recommended to be added in this menu.
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