Saturday, August 27, 2011

Do You Hate the Taste of Water But Know You Should Drink More?

Proper hydration is an unheralded key to vibrant health. Many diseases are caused by and exacerbated by chronic dehydration. Many people, however, find it hard to drink enough water each day. At a bare minimum you should drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water daily. So, if you weigh 160 pounds, you should drink at least 80 ounces of water each day. Coffee, soft drinks, and iced tea do not count as water. So, if you are one of those people who have a hard time getting water down, here is an easy, tasty little recipe that will have you drinking QUARTS of water daily.

In a 16 oz bottle or glass add:


a couple squeezes of lemon (or lime) juice (please use fresh and organic, if you can get it)
3-4 drops of liquid stevia*
1-3 drops of vanilla extract (use Frontier brand, non-alcohol)

Add 16 oz filtered water and enjoy. It tastes like watered down lemonade and you can drink as much of it as you want.

I drink 2 - 16 oz glasses of this every morning before eating anything else, and then have another 4-6 servings throughout the day. A very easy way to stay well-hydrated - a key to good health!

*Stevia is an herb that is 70 times sweeter than sugar but has NO glycemic index. You can buy it in health food stores in 2 oz dropper bottles for about . Please do NOT substitute artificial sweeteners, such as Sweet and Low, Equal, or Splenda. These sweenteners are highly toxic to the human body, and have been proven to lead to a variety of health issues including neurological problems and cancer.

Do You Hate the Taste of Water But Know You Should Drink More?


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