Welcome to my GBG opportunity and 10-in-One Multi-Formula product assessment. GBG is a privately owned, 15-year old corporation situated in Vacaville, California. GBG supposedly means Guided by God, whether that is a statement about the faith of the founder or a lure for those who profess faith I don't know. I do know that I have not seen any allusions to religion in any marketing materials, websites, or by anyone who speaks for the company. I also know that this is one of the most inexpensive opportunities to attain financial independence that I have come across. The GBG opportunity is free to enroll in, there is no membership fee or kit to buy. Once you join you get a free opportunity website, free landing pages, a free informational website, free conference call training, a free back office to track your progress and manage your business, and free customer/distributor support. It is not an entirely free opportunity, regardless of some advertising that you might see. There is a requirement to buy a bottle of the signature product, the 10-in-One Liquid Multi-Forumla, for a month including shipping, far below the industry norm for auto-ships. There are other products and marketing tools that you can optionally purchase. But that's it; .97 (+ shipping = ) for a monthly supply of a bottle of what is purported to be "The World's Greatest Liquid".
The GBG 10-in-One Liquid Multivitamin and Mineral Formula purports to have 10 formulas in one bottle, that are to be taken daily, one ounce at a time. The 10 formulas are: Memory and Mood Enhancer, Vision Support, Immune Enhancer, Stress Reducer, Cardiovascular Support, Multi-Vitamin & Minerals, Super Anti-oxidants, Energizer, Digestive Aid, and Bone & Joint support. Because the formula is liquid, it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. However, this is quite a list of health concerns to address with one product. One ounce of this formula is said to contain the nutritional equivalent of 10 tomatoes, 50 oranges slices, 35 cups of broccoli, 25 cups of strawberries, 167 eggs, 4 cups of milk, 72 cups of spinach, and so on. Testimonials from users of the products suggest that this may indeed be a miracle drug. The only concern here is the lack of an FDA approval of these claims. Still for those who are not satisfied with the product, there is a 60-day, no questions asked, empty bottle money-back guarantee. In addition to having the "World's Greatest Liquid", GDG also believes it has the world's greatest compensation plan. So much so that they have had the compensation plan Copyrighted!
Really, they did copyright the comp plan! And I see why because the compensation plan is very distributor friendly. It is a 2x10 Forced Matrix at first, but is expandable to to a 2x30 Matrix depending on certain qualifications. During your first month with the company, there is a fast start bonus on each of the first two sign-ups that you attain, and a fast start bonus for every new enrollee you bring on after that. (GBG is quick to say that this bonus is for the purchase of the product, not the recruitment). More than 60% of the cost of every product goes out to distributors in the form of commissions and bonuses. After the first month, you basically receive for every person in your matrix. Once you enroll two distributors, you earn the rank of Regional Manager. When you help two of your reps attain Regional Manager, you become a Senior Regional Manager, eligible to be paid on levels 11-15, which could net you a total of over ,000 per month! What is so revolutionary about the compensation plan is that after you sponsor two people, you can re-enter the matrix and thus be paid 2 or more times for your own efforts. It is also worth mentioning that because you can only have two people on your first level, that spillover is inevitable. I interviewed one distributor who went to explore his back office less than 24 hours after signing up, and was surprised to discover that he already had four people in his organization, and he hadn't done a thing!
On the flip side, I have discovered some discomfort with the changing of the compensation plan and the product line-up over the years. You could just chalk that up to growing pains, or just searching for something that works. But to distributors, changes in details makes it hard to explain the opportunities to others, or worse yet, creates more opportunities to misrepresent vital details. This may be one of the reasons why distributors are encouraged to send their prospects to the website, instead of trusting their memories. That aside, I think that it is a pretty simple business. The comp plan can get quite involved, but basically you need to enroll two people, and help them do the same. If you can do that you can achieve everything you want with this business. GBG touts its great product and great comp plan, but to me the most attractive quality of GBG is its sheer affordability.
GBG Business Opportunity and Product Review 12 OUNCES EQUALS
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