Look of the 3 of Cups Card
In the three of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith deck of Tarot Cards, here are three young women dancing together and keeping cups high in the air to celebrate something. The card is light and enchanting with fullness of white for spiritual purity, yellow for vigor and orange and red for activity colours.
This is a card of fullness and plenty. It could be harvest time. It could also be as primary dance, such as would be done around a may-pole in the summertime. In some traditions it could also be considered as a fertility dance.
Meaning of the 3 of Cups Upright
This is a card of celebration, of merriment, of fun, of victorious conclusions to projects. It can be celebrating any special event, where people come together and forget their differences. This can be in any area of life. As it is a Cup card, and is part of the suit that represents emotions, it is very prominent to take into inventory the astonishing feelings that people are probably experiencing as part of this celebration.
It is also a card of teamwork, where people are successfully working together. It is card of society and being with other people. The essence of this card is that everyone is working together. There is no ego and no-one trying to be more prominent than anyone else. everyone is supporting everyone else and all members are working together as equals. As such everyone is valued and recognised for their contribution.
It also points to the value of female friends and the connection with them, particularly for women. This can also be a card of going out and socializing.
Meaning of the 3 of Cups Reversed
In the Reversed position, the 3 of cups is representing a lack of harmony and co-operation. There is discord amongst people. In the Reversed position the woman with the red dress seems to be the dominant one in the card.
Red is the colour of root chakra, so this can indicate that the driving force is more activity oriented and can be riding roughshod over the more spiritual and creative people. There can be a dominance of ego of one person, which makes them the centre of attention, rather than it being a partnership of equals, where everyone has an equally prominent role to play. There can be a breakdown of friendships or a lack of maintain from friends when it was surely needed.
Amanda Goldston
Tarot Author and Coach
© 2010 Amanda Goldston
Three of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith Deck of Tarot Cards 12 OUNCES EQUALS HOW MANY CUPS
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