Saturday, December 3, 2011

Essante Worldwide - Find A Need And Fill It

Find a need and fill it; what does that mean?

That means that you do not have to go out and re-invent the wheel to be wildly successful. That goes for any industry on the planet. What you have to do is supply a an already existing need of a mass of people. Find a niche of something whose time has come. Improve on something that already exists. This can be a physical item of sorts, improve a service, or a consumable product like a food or a drink.


This concept is often left out of the network marketing, MLM, relationship business companies if you will. Most of them are just the same old same old me, boring MLM company. These companies all run out and formulate a line of consumable products just like the last company and put a different name on it, throw in a comp plan and start trying to bleed it all over the planet. All to often it's just more of the same, they lack originality and uniqueness.

I don't mean all but most of the MLM companies look, taste, and smell the same. There is, however, a small group of MLM companies that have succeeded in being different, very different. Having that edge has made these companies and independent representatives very successful.

There is one such company that from the beginning started with a flare of uniqueness. They took the simple "lollipop" idea to be the delivery system for their, also very unique appetite suppressant "hoodia". African Bushmen chew this appetite-suppressing cactus-like plant on their long walkabouts in the desert. They enjoy its acquired taste merely as a snack.

It turns out that the "Hoodia Plant" has natural "appetite suppressant" qualities. Many companies export the hoodia plant to sell in the modern world as just that, a natural [no side effects] appetite suppressant. They made pills with fillers in them as a delivery system to the consumer. There are also other companies who sell it in liquid form. Not quite the best delivery systems for the best results.

Essante Worldwide out of Phoenix Arizona is the only one who uses the "flavored lollipops" for its hoodia delivery system. Sucking on these "Power Pops", as they are called, is the best way to have your body absorb the hoodia. The company strongly recommends drinking 8 ounces of water with your lollipop. The lollipops come in 15 flavors, cherry, orange, peach, lemon, root beer to name a few, just like candy lollipops.

Getting back to the theme at hand being "find a need and fill it". Essante Worldwide just a few short months ago realized that's exactly what they can do with the new "Go Green" phenomenon we are experiencing in the world today. Everywhere you go you see "Go Green" "Go Green" Green, Green, Green!!!

Essante Worldwide began producing their very own "100% Organic Product Line"!!! Organic food products, non caustic personal care and home care products. Essante is already leap years ahead of the entire MLM industry in this field. MLM has made its mark on the world as a very cost effective and successful way to market products. Essante went a step further.

Essante forged ahead in organic products to get in the front of the next "Trillion Dollar Trend"!!! Go Green" Go Organic" Out of pure necessity to get away from the caustic, carcinogenic, allergy, obesity causing food source we have created on the planet today. The masses are beginning to see the only way to go is "organic". So if your already an MLMer, network marketer, relationship building entrepreneur you might want to grab Essante Worldwide by the coat tails and ride the next wave of success with us.

Essante Worldwide - Find A Need And Fill It


Three of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith Deck of Tarot Cards

Look of the 3 of Cups Card

In the three of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith deck of Tarot Cards, here are three young women dancing together and keeping cups high in the air to celebrate something. The card is light and enchanting with fullness of white for spiritual purity, yellow for vigor and orange and red for activity colours.


This is a card of fullness and plenty. It could be harvest time. It could also be as primary dance, such as would be done around a may-pole in the summertime. In some traditions it could also be considered as a fertility dance.

Meaning of the 3 of Cups Upright

This is a card of celebration, of merriment, of fun, of victorious conclusions to projects. It can be celebrating any special event, where people come together and forget their differences. This can be in any area of life. As it is a Cup card, and is part of the suit that represents emotions, it is very prominent to take into inventory the astonishing feelings that people are probably experiencing as part of this celebration.

It is also a card of teamwork, where people are successfully working together. It is card of society and being with other people. The essence of this card is that everyone is working together. There is no ego and no-one trying to be more prominent than anyone else. everyone is supporting everyone else and all members are working together as equals. As such everyone is valued and recognised for their contribution.

It also points to the value of female friends and the connection with them, particularly for women. This can also be a card of going out and socializing.

Meaning of the 3 of Cups Reversed

In the Reversed position, the 3 of cups is representing a lack of harmony and co-operation. There is discord amongst people. In the Reversed position the woman with the red dress seems to be the dominant one in the card.

Red is the colour of root chakra, so this can indicate that the driving force is more activity oriented and can be riding roughshod over the more spiritual and creative people. There can be a dominance of ego of one person, which makes them the centre of attention, rather than it being a partnership of equals, where everyone has an equally prominent role to play. There can be a breakdown of friendships or a lack of maintain from friends when it was surely needed.

Amanda Goldston

Tarot Author and Coach

© 2010 Amanda Goldston

Three of Cups in the Rider Waite Smith Deck of Tarot Cards


The 3 Most Important Character Traits to Have When Starting a Business

Starting a business and developing it into a roaring success takes a lot of effort. Overnight success is rare. Your best bet when starting a business is to plan it out in advance and then put every ounce of energy and effort into your new business that you can muster.

Ask those who have done it and they'll tell you that starting a successful business takes a tremendous amount of work.


Everyone wants what they think small business ownership brings - pride of accomplishment, financial freedom and a newfound level of independence. These accomplishments are certainly attainable. But many would-be entrepreneurs are simply not willing to roll up their sleeves day after day to develop their fledgling enterprise into a sustainable and profitable business.

More often than not, entrepreneurial success requires extra time and effort. And that leads us to the first requirement when starting a business.

1. Persistence

Once you have chosen your path, you must stick with it and make it pay. Too many people give up on themselves and their dreams when all they needed was to stick it out a little longer.

Decide how you're business will operate and make it happen. Take motivational speaker, Brian Tracy's advice and once you've made a key decision in your business, set out to make that decision right. In other words, don't second-guess yourself. Do your research, make your decision and then put every effort into it for as long as it takes. If you persist without letting up, there's only one possible outcome, and that is your ultimate success.

2. Responsibility

Everything rests on your shoulders. As author Robert Schuller says, "If it is to be, it's up to me." When starting a business of your own, there's no one else to back you up. You are the last line of defence, so the buck stops with you.

You'll be forced to wear many hats in your business. Initially, you might have to do everything like writing ads, buying supplies, creating products, making sales, keeping records, cleaning, shipping goods, and so on. As you grow, you can hire others, or outsource various tasks. But you and you alone are solely responsible for managing these tasks and the various operations of your business.

3. Passion

Someone once said, "Do what you love and the money will follow" and there is at least an element of truth to that statement. While there's no guarantee that getting involved in a business you happen to take great interest in will make you a success, passion is an important element.

Starting a business takes total commitment and a huge amount of energy. Every business starts with high expectations and enthusiasm. But often there are difficulties along the way. Sometimes things do go according to plan. Occasionally, you could be completely blindsided by a legal issue, problem with a neighbouring tenant, or a dramatic change in your industry that throws your plans out the window and puts your business and future in peril.

What is it that makes you carry on? Passion. Passion for what you do. Passion for serving others. Passion for making a difference and for meeting your responsibilities.

The 3 Most Important Character Traits to Have When Starting a Business


Friday, December 2, 2011

Thinking of Opening an Ice Cream Business?

If you are thinking of opening an ice cream business I have some things for you to consider. I do not claim to be an expert although I have owned and operated an IC parlor for nearly 20 years.

The best thing about the ice cream business is that it is for the most part a happy business. What I mean by that is generally it is a happy experience when people go to an ice cream parlor. As a result of that, I have found it to be a very enjoyable business to be in.


If you are fortunate enough to be in a location where you have lots of traffic and high customer volume, you can make good money. Other wise your creative advertising will have to drive customers to you.

As in any business there are start up costs. For example, my soft ice cream machine had to be replaced the beginning of this ice cream season. The cost for a new machine was around 22 thousand dollars. I was able to purchase a used machine for 15 thousand dollars. (You can find lots of deals on used equipment due to the large amount of parlors that go out of business). That was for one piece of equipment. The truth is if are seriously thinking of opening an ice cream business be prepared to make a large investment.

The profit margin is quite good especially on soft IC. For example if you sell a small soft serve cone for .25, the cone will cost you about 7cents and the ice cream, lets say five ounces, around 50 cents for a total of 57 cents, for a profit of .68. Remember unless you are planning to do all the serving yourself, you will have to pay someone to do it for you. There are of course many other expenses that will come out of that profit such as paying for your building and your equipment. It would take the sale of 8928 small cones to pay for my new used machine if I sold every cone my self and didn't have any other expenses. So you can see, high sales volume is a must.

If you are thinking of opening an ice cream business simply because you want to be in business for yourself but not necessarily the ice cream business, I encourage you to investigate online businesses. The start-up costs are minuscule in comparison to traditional businesses and the earning potential is far greater. Learning to market online is a process, if you are willing to put forth a persistent consistent effort you can definitely be successful.

Thinking of Opening an Ice Cream Business?


3 Reasons the Gold Price Will Rise

Gold should be the foundation of any resource portfolio. The reason for this is that other resources such as oil or copper are highly dependent on world economic activity. If there is a major recession or GDP goes down considerably industrial commodities are usually hit with major declines. Gold on the other hand is not dependent on economic growth. Subsequently, the downside for gold is less than industrial commodities.

You've most likely heard that gold is a form of insurance. Other investors have mentioned that gold is a "measure of fear." When fear dominates the economic landscape and investors are worried about their savings in bank accounts or brokerages they have historically flocked towards gold.


There are three major reasons why gold should outperform over the next 3 to 5 years.

The first reason why the gold price should increase is that there is banking instability. Over the last decade the amount of debt around the globe has tripled. In other words debt has grown at about 12% per year. However, economic growth has only been about 4%. In other words, the economy around the world has become highly leveraged. This is the reason why we are seeing problems with European banks and sovereign debt in Europe. The primary function of gold historically has been to protect and preserve assets in times of financial crisis. When debt increases to unsustainable levels, it becomes likely that we will experience several financial crises over the next few years. These debt problems will be positive for the gold price.

The second reason why the gold price should increase over the next few years is due to geopolitical or military conflict. Usually when there is a military conflict the gold price has a short-term move up. For example there was a parabolic move in the gold price during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. Certainly the world right now is experiencing tensions that could flare up to a major war. Israel has continued problems with its neighbors, there is instability in Pakistan and there are ongoing wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. In addition, there are indications that the general population is starting to feel angry with the political leaders. Examples of this would be the Arab spring and various protests across Europe and even the United States. It is not unimaginable for the civil disturbances to turn into the Civil Wars.

The third reason why the gold price will rise over the coming years is due to central bank policies. For the last 15 years or so central banks have pursued what is called an easy money policy. Interest rates have fallen to generational lows. Whenever the economy experiences a recession or any type of crisis the response has been to simply print money. This is been the overriding policy or philosophy of world government. For example, in the aftermath of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy the Federal Reserve doubled the money supply in the span of four months. Interest rates since 2008 have been near or at zero. In addition, Ben Bernanke has promised that interest rates would remain at zero until 2013.

Money printing and negative interest rates are both positive for the price of gold. Rates were negative for most of the 1970s. From 1973 until Paul Volcker became chairman of the Federal Reserve interest rates were negative and that was the greatest bull market in gold in recent memory. However in the 1980s and 1990s interest rates were positive and gold struggled.

3 Reasons the Gold Price Will Rise


The Auto Transport Broker and The Piracy of The Truck Driver

Have you ever thought about what it takes to run a profitable business?

To tell the truth before owning my own auto transport business I never gave it a second thought. Frankly, I think most people are just like me. Many folks just get up in the morning, drive to work, put in their eight hours and go home. The next day they get up and start all over again; it is like being in a rut.


You are probably thinking that is cold! Well, fact of the matter is that is exactly how I used to be. When we hate what we are doing, we just go through the motions. Who cares if there is a profit or not, it does not affect me - we think. All we are there for is to put in our time and collect a paycheck that doesn't go far enough.

You are probably wondering what this all has to do with auto transport and the piracy of the truck driver. Well, as employees we had better start caring about the company profits. Think about it for just a minute. If they do not make a profit, we probably will not have a job for long. Have you ever thought about it that way?

Auto transport industry is no different...

After talking with a truck driver, today this very point came to mind. Our whole conversation revolved around the economics of running our mutual businesses. There are so many pieces to the puzzle; but, one main reason really took the majority of the talk.

Today there are too many auto transport brokers out there not doing their job the right way. Greed has set in and taken over all common sense. Their focus is on their commission today and not that of the customer, trucker or industry. There is no looking at the stability of the business for tomorrow, next week or next year.

Doing whatever it takes to secure the order they lie, cheat and bait the customer to earn a few dollars. Now I am not saying it is not right to earn money, not at all. The point is that doing business that way is an injustice to all. How you ask?

I could really get on my soapbox here and rant for hours. Instead, let us focus on just one area of concern...the truck driver, or as we call them the owner operator.

Owner operators do not work for free either!

As a business owner, many expenses occur monthly this is called overhead. There are necessary expenditures that keep the truck, office, drivers and other employees "in business", or employed.

The business owner goes into business to make a profit. Sounds reasonable, right? They know what it costs to replace tires, change the oil and other fluids necessary to keep the big rig safe on the roads. There are permits, fuel taxes and surcharges, insurance costs and fuel costs too. Of course we can not forget there are truck payments, trailer payments, and the savings surplus account for repairs.

Next they must price out their loads to cover the driver expense, taxes, meals and sometimes-overnight lodging accommodations. Then there needs to be some sort of profit margin so the company can stay in business for the following month.

If the business owner is the truck driver as well, he or she must factor in the personal expenses, too. Most have a husband or wife at home with kids. There is the mortgage, power and water bills, telephone, food, insurance and taxes just like all the rest of us.

Auto transport brokers must educate the customer...

Part of the job of an auto transport broker is to educate the customer. I do not know about you, but before becoming a broker I knew nothing about the industry. We learned by talking with truck drivers who had years of business experience under their belts. By implementing these principles in my own business we have been able to weather the storm of this new economy when others have not.

Let me ask you a question...when is the last time you were able to walk into your local supermarket and tell the cashier what you were going to pay for that loaf of bread? Ha...won't happen will it? Of course not. The market sets the price us consumers will pay for the product and we either buy it or we don't, right?

When auto transport brokers do their job correctly, the customer will understand how the transport business works. They will understand why the prices are what they are. Sure there will be slight differences between brokers. Healthy competition is expected and good in the marketplace.

What is not good is when one sector of the industry turns to piracy. By charging the customer an excessive rate then paying the trucking company less than market rates this upsets the apple cart. It makes for an unbalanced industry and forces good people like you and me out of business.

Two years ago, we watched as about 75% of owner operators handed in their keys. Some of these hard-working men and women were our friends. Business owners who had provided our clientele incredible service at equitable prices. We had developed friendships. They are real people, just like us. More than once, I cried myself to sleep after listening to the plight of these people and the causes for their decision.

Today something has to change. More honest hearted people need to step up to the plate. Hard working auto transport brokers who own their own business need to get back to the basics. Educate the public that more than just diesel prices drive prices; which by the way is on the rise again.

You would not work for free...stop asking these business owners to pay you to ship your car! As a broker we are not for the government stepping in to solve an industry's problems like is so rampant today.

However, as an individual auto transport business owner, I'm taking my stand. Education is key and our clients are well-educated, informed and happy. They are happy because their truck driver has a profitable business driven by fair market value.

The Auto Transport Broker and The Piracy of The Truck Driver


Thursday, December 1, 2011

Auto Transport Broker, The Role Of A Middleman

Have you ever wondered what an auto transport broker does for the customer? If you have, you are not alone. Many people do not know exactly what to expect when they make that first phone call. When I first learned of the auto transport broker business, I did not know the exact and complete role of the broker either.

There are many small details just like any other job. However, today I want to address one BIG part of the job. That is how the transport broker must balance serving their customer with serving their drivers.


Brokering may seem simple...

The reality is there are many details that make up the job. Some may seem minor, but could take a twist and turn for the worse making a mountain out of a molehill.

One such detail is the carrier's insurance. Department of Transportation requires each truck and driver on the road to carry a minimum amount of insurance. Truckers are no different from you and me. We are fined when we do not have insurance on our cars, the same goes for them.

One major difference is in the insurance limits and terms of coverage. Verifying the insurance is in effect and will not expire during the transport is part of the job. Then there is the matter of what is covered. It only makes sense that liability and equipment is covered. However, what about the customer's car; is it covered?

Trucker's insurance has a special coverage called "cargo". Each company's limits will vary according to their equipment, how many cars they can carry and of course, the premium they are willing to pay. Therefore, as a transport broker we must make sure our customers precious cargo is covered at least for the minimum allowed by law.

Another aspect of brokering is in verifying the reputation of the carrier and company. Each brokerage has points of contact to do this part of his/her job. There are government websites available and reference checks from business contacts to aid checking a carrier's reputation. In any case, you always want to know whom you are dealing with on behalf of your customer.

What will happen if a problem comes up?

Just like any other job, problems can arise no matter how well you have done your job. With government cutbacks, paperwork and websites are not always up to date. Insurance lapses and the updating of each file can fall between the cracks. A quick call to each company's insurance agent can solve that piece of the puzzle very quickly.

Can you really count on references to give an honest one? One source you can trust is your fellow auto transport broker! We have found over the years that a huge key to our success is building a solid relationship with our fellow brokers. By advising each other of negative experiences, we have developed a "black list". This list contains names and locations of carriers who have performed below the standards we choose for our customers.

One of these problems arose just the other day in our office. We received a phone call from one of the office managers at the trucking company. The issue revolved around the delivery of a customer's car. After carefully listening, pulling the file and contacting the customer for their side of the story, we were able to call the carrier back with a solution.

As a business owner, you must be able to referee each part of the transport in a fair and equitable fashion. There is Department of Transportation laws that govern what we as brokers may and may not do, period. Keeping this in mind, we must serve our client who has paid us. Then, we must also take care of our truckers who provide the service to our customers and us.

So, what are we to do? Listen to all of the facts, from both the customer and the driver. Looking at our file and notes, we must then make a determination of "the reality". We must keep in mind that each driver and customer is going to be looking at it from his or her own perspective. Each will want the situation to end the way they want it to. We help each party calm down, take a step back and come to a solution, peacefully.

We must make each one happy. We want a happy, satisfied customer with their vehicle safely in their possession. However, we also want a satisfied trucker who will want to work with our company again.

As the transport broker and business owner, all we can do is follow the law. Guide our customer through the process and help the driver and customer complete the transaction in a fair and equitable manner.

This is auto transport brokering. It can be a fun, challenging and rewarding profession. An auto transport broker solves two situations. If you want to ship your car, a broker can help you. If it is a new career you are looking for, an auto transport broker is a possibility, too.

Auto Transport Broker, The Role Of A Middleman


GBG Business Opportunity and Product Review

Welcome to my GBG opportunity and 10-in-One Multi-Formula product assessment. GBG is a privately owned, 15-year old corporation situated in Vacaville, California. GBG supposedly means Guided by God, whether that is a statement about the faith of the founder or a lure for those who profess faith I don't know. I do know that I have not seen any allusions to religion in any marketing materials, websites, or by anyone who speaks for the company. I also know that this is one of the most inexpensive opportunities to attain financial independence that I have come across. The GBG opportunity is free to enroll in, there is no membership fee or kit to buy. Once you join you get a free opportunity website, free landing pages, a free informational website, free conference call training, a free back office to track your progress and manage your business, and free customer/distributor support. It is not an entirely free opportunity, regardless of some advertising that you might see. There is a requirement to buy a bottle of the signature product, the 10-in-One Liquid Multi-Forumla, for a month including shipping, far below the industry norm for auto-ships. There are other products and marketing tools that you can optionally purchase. But that's it; .97 (+ shipping = ) for a monthly supply of a bottle of what is purported to be "The World's Greatest Liquid".

The GBG 10-in-One Liquid Multivitamin and Mineral Formula purports to have 10 formulas in one bottle, that are to be taken daily, one ounce at a time. The 10 formulas are: Memory and Mood Enhancer, Vision Support, Immune Enhancer, Stress Reducer, Cardiovascular Support, Multi-Vitamin & Minerals, Super Anti-oxidants, Energizer, Digestive Aid, and Bone & Joint support. Because the formula is liquid, it is easily and quickly absorbed by the body. However, this is quite a list of health concerns to address with one product. One ounce of this formula is said to contain the nutritional equivalent of 10 tomatoes, 50 oranges slices, 35 cups of broccoli, 25 cups of strawberries, 167 eggs, 4 cups of milk, 72 cups of spinach, and so on. Testimonials from users of the products suggest that this may indeed be a miracle drug. The only concern here is the lack of an FDA approval of these claims. Still for those who are not satisfied with the product, there is a 60-day, no questions asked, empty bottle money-back guarantee. In addition to having the "World's Greatest Liquid", GDG also believes it has the world's greatest compensation plan. So much so that they have had the compensation plan Copyrighted!


Really, they did copyright the comp plan! And I see why because the compensation plan is very distributor friendly. It is a 2x10 Forced Matrix at first, but is expandable to to a 2x30 Matrix depending on certain qualifications. During your first month with the company, there is a fast start bonus on each of the first two sign-ups that you attain, and a fast start bonus for every new enrollee you bring on after that. (GBG is quick to say that this bonus is for the purchase of the product, not the recruitment). More than 60% of the cost of every product goes out to distributors in the form of commissions and bonuses. After the first month, you basically receive for every person in your matrix. Once you enroll two distributors, you earn the rank of Regional Manager. When you help two of your reps attain Regional Manager, you become a Senior Regional Manager, eligible to be paid on levels 11-15, which could net you a total of over ,000 per month! What is so revolutionary about the compensation plan is that after you sponsor two people, you can re-enter the matrix and thus be paid 2 or more times for your own efforts. It is also worth mentioning that because you can only have two people on your first level, that spillover is inevitable. I interviewed one distributor who went to explore his back office less than 24 hours after signing up, and was surprised to discover that he already had four people in his organization, and he hadn't done a thing!

On the flip side, I have discovered some discomfort with the changing of the compensation plan and the product line-up over the years. You could just chalk that up to growing pains, or just searching for something that works. But to distributors, changes in details makes it hard to explain the opportunities to others, or worse yet, creates more opportunities to misrepresent vital details. This may be one of the reasons why distributors are encouraged to send their prospects to the website, instead of trusting their memories. That aside, I think that it is a pretty simple business. The comp plan can get quite involved, but basically you need to enroll two people, and help them do the same. If you can do that you can achieve everything you want with this business. GBG touts its great product and great comp plan, but to me the most attractive quality of GBG is its sheer affordability.

GBG Business Opportunity and Product Review


Make An Easy 50 - 100 Dollars A Day Detailing Cars

America loves their cars! And they like them clean! What better way to make summer money, or for that matter, any time money than detailing vehicles. Whether you are looking for a part time or full time income, auto detailing can work for you! This works equally well for guys, gals of teenagers. This is the only way that I have seen for a teenagers to make 50 dollars on a Saturday over and over again, year around and with very little investment.

Vehicle Detailing is the act of cleaning a vehicle both inside and out. For our purposes today though, I recommend that you only vacuum out the seats and rugs and wash the windows both inside and out along with wiping down the interior vinyl, dash, arm rests, and any metal work inside the car. I don't recommend that you get into under the hood detailing, as that requires a steamer or high-powered spray machine and not only makes a mess, takes too much time, but can be polluting. But your main job will be to clean the exterior of the vehicle. This goes quickly and with minimal investment in equipment.


Your equipment will consist of as many soft towels as you can get from home, neighbors or relatives. If you don't have any or can't get any free, there are good detailing towels for sale at Sam's for the rag challenged. They are about for a package of 24 and they are washable and can be used over and over. If you use old towels, make sure that they have no decorations that will scratch the paint of the vehicle. You will need to keep clean dry towels on hand at all times.

You will also need a tire brush for cleaning tires and a rubber/vinyl preservative for the tires, dash & etc.

Now I bet you are thinking that you will need water? No! I don't recommend using water to wash a vehicle, I recommend you use a waterless car wash, because the average car wash can use up to 100 gallons of our precious water and if you live in a drought area, you may not even be able to use water at all!

With a waterless car wash, you can even wash your customer's car inside of his garage because it doesn't make a mess on the floor. Doing a waterless car wash is easy, you spray on about 2 foot by 2 foot of the car at a time and wipe the dirt off with one towel and then use another towel to buff it dry. About half way around the car, I swap my dry towel for the wet towel and get another dry towel and this will make it easier to clean windows. Pretty simple huh? The average waterless car wash takes only about 3 ounces of product to wash a complete car.

How much money do you make? Depending on your expertise, you can charge by the hour - or by the job. I recommend by the job, as it will only take you about a half an hour to wash a car after you get a little experience under your belt. So depending on your ability, you should charge .95 to .95 per vehicle. You should know that the larger the vehicle, the more you should charge. You wouldn't change the same for a Mini Cooper that you would for a big RV. As your expertise and reputation grows, you will be able to raise your prices. You will be able to charge 0 and up for more complicated wash jobs. And you can build a clientele that want their car washed frequently. Customer service will help you build your business quickly.

There are many top detailers that make over 0,000 a year. One detailer that I know specializes in high dollar cars and charges by the year for a weekly vehicle clean up, in the 00 - 00 a year range.

Make An Easy 50 - 100 Dollars A Day Detailing Cars