Trying to lose weight can be frustrating and emotional. Not only is weight loss difficult, but the more frequently you diet, the more weight you are likely to gain and the harder it is to lose those pounds.
Your brain knows when you are cutting calories and it "protects" your body by lowering your metabolism and increasing the desire to eat. HUNGER! The more frequently you diet, the faster this natural reaction kicks in. No wonder dieting is so difficult and leads to weight gain! It's so unfair.
Here are five very simple things you can do to help with weight loss:
1) Write down "WHY" you want to lose weight. Put it on a 3x5 card and post it where you'll see it every day.
2) Increase your exercise. We always hear that, but be realistic. Try walking a half hour after dinner. Take the stairs at work instead of the elevator. Park at the far end of the parking lot. Lose the remote control. Walk the dog. These can become healthy habits over time.
3) Eat more protein. Women should aim at about 75g and men at 100g of protein. Protein curbs hunger! For breakfast, lunch and dinner be sure to include some lean protein.
4) Eat more frequently. That's good news, right? Experts say that 5 small meals will drive your metabolism higher than 3 large meals. And conversely, one large meal per day will lower your metabolism! Add a 100 calorie protein-rich snack mid-morning and mid-afternoon. (Idea - some light yogurt and fruit, or string cheese and a cracker).
5) Eat breakfast every day. Remember...include some protein.
6) Eat colorful meals with fresh meats, fruits and veggies. Eat less bread, potatoes and rice.
7) Cut out the sugar. There are some good sugar substitutes these days. Not only does sugar add calories, your body converts the sugar directly to fat!
8) Drink plenty water. Divide your weight by 2. The number you get equals the number of ounces of water you should drink each day. Example: A 150 pound woman should drink 75 oz of water each day.
9) Investigate healthy metabolism-boosters. For example, Herbalife is well known for its healthy weight loss products and has several products for boosting metabolism. Contact your Herbalife distributor, or the author for ideas.
10) Diet with a buddy. It's way more fun! Be accountable to your buddy and celebrate together.
Most important of all, eat like your life depends on it.
Don't Wait - Lose Weight! 10 Simple Steps to Faster Weight Loss 12 OUNCES EQUALS
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