If you're going camping or storing water for a natural disaster such as a hurricane, consider food grade plastic tub containers. They make an excellent portable storage tank. To store a two-week supply of water, which equals one gallon per person per day, you would need 12 average food grade plastic storage containers that hold 5 to 6 gallons of water. That would provide enough water for a family of four.
A portable storage tank needs to be sterile and made of food grade plastic. Food grade plastic is PETE plastic or Polyethylene Terethalate which is used to make soft drink and juice containers. In a crunch, you could store water safely in empty soda bottles. Do not use juice bottles because they may still contain fruit sugars which foster bacteria growth. The soda bottles make excellent mini storage tanks.
You may need to provide water for your pets also. If this is the case, store an additional 7 to 10 gallons for the average dog weighing 30 to 45 pounds and an extra 10 to 13 gallons for larger dogs like a Siberian Husky that weighs up to 60 pounds. To insure that your pet gets enough water during a crisis, store the needed water in PETE containers and keep the dog's bowl full of water every day so he can drink as much as he needs.
A portable storage tank is even usable on a camping trip in the place of bottled water. Rather than just carrying bottled water which does not store well for long periods of time, use storage tanks for long terms storage instead. Bottled water does not last for years. It usually has an expiration date or a "Use By" date stamped on the bottle, which indicates it will expire within a year. Therefore, long terms storage of bottled water is not encouraged.
To meet your needs during a time of crisis or disaster, be prepared by having a supply of water that will provide for your family based on one gallon of water per person per day and your pets equaling one ounce of water per pound per day. Store the water properly in a PETE plastic portable storage tank, so that it will remain usable, sterile and clean. While your body will continue to function with as little as two quarts to one half-gallon of water each day, it is better to have one gallon available for each person to use and seek out more water later.
Using Plastic Tub Containers to Store Water 12 OUNCES EQUALS
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