The mainstream media would have you believe we are well on our way to a full recovery. Don't listen to them. The underlying problems that led to the current recession and market collapse have not gone away. Americans are still buried in debt and world governments are printing more money to cover the cost of social programs and bailouts. The situation is getting worse with each passing month.
A small group of economists predicted the current crisis. These same economists are predicting things to get much worse before they get better. In fact, some are predicting the DOW to drop below 3,000. Think about the impact of that for a minute. That's a 70% drop from its current level. If that happens a lot of wealth will be destroyed and inflation will skyrocket.
In the even of a collapse the dollar will become nearly worthless and the unemployment rate will likely be 25% or higher. There is one way to protect yourself and your family if these predictions do come true. Gold and silver holds its' value regardless of what happens with the stock market or inflation. Currently silver is the best value, as it has not risen as much as gold over the past few years.
Gold and silver can be purchased in bars of various weights, rounds, uncirculated collector coins and pre 1964 US silver coins. Gold and silver bars are an excellent investment but they are not ideal to use as currency in the event of a collapse. A one ounce gold bar currently trades for just under ,300 and one ounce of silver is around .00.
Prior to 1965, US minted dimes, quarters, half dollars and dollars were made of 90% silver. Change in the amount of .40 of these coins equals slightly over one ounce of silver. This can include 14 dimes, 4 quarters and 4 dimes, two halves and four dimes, etc. Regardless of the combination, if it adds up to .40 and it was minted in 1964 or earlier, you have once ounce of silver, or .00 at current market value.
I would put as much money as you can afford in junk silver coins. By junk, I mean that they have no collector value and they have been circulated. The only value these coins have is based on their silver content. You don't care what they look like, as long as they are recognizable as 1964 or older US coin.
These coins can be found at flea markets, coin shops or eBay. Be sure to check the current market price before buying. One ounce of junk silver coins may have a very small premium over spot silver, usually no more than 3%.
Now go buy some silver and protect your family from the coming economic collapse.
The Secret to Surviving the Coming Economic Collapse 12 OUNCES EQUALS
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