Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cherries and Gout - How Many Cherries Do I Need Eat to Get Rid of Gout?

Buy cherries and gout could be a thing of the past.

If you've ever suffered the excruciating pain caused by the build up of uric acid in the joints then you're probably keen on the idea of trying cherries to cure your gout.


It does sound wonderful, doesn't it.  Munch away on delicious dark cherries and gout is gone.  But for many population the problem is knowing how many cherries they need to eat.

The normal principle is that the darker the color of the cherry then the more of the inflammation reducing fruit pigment, anthocyacins, it contains.  So dark is good although having said that, Any cherry has some of those inflammation reducing fruit pigments in them.  If you can't get the de facto dark ones, buy what you can and eat more of them.

Very dark blackish-red cherries will include around 80 to 300 mg of anthocyanins per 3.5 ounces of cherries (100 grams.)

Lighter colored cherries will include 2 to 40 mg of anthocyanins per 3.5 ounces (100 grams.)

And processing does lower the estimate with perhaps 50% of anthocyanins being lost from cherries after 6 months of freezing.

About 20 tart cherries will give around 12 to 25 mg of anthocyanins.

Experts advise that half a cup of dried, 1 cup of frozen, 1 cup juice, or 2 tablespoons of juice concentrate each day should be enough cherries to give gout relief.

This is such a simple yet efficient way of easing the pain of gout that is is a shame more population do not try it.  There have been many curative studies done proving the effectiveness of this strategy.

Cherries and Gout - How Many Cherries Do I Need Eat to Get Rid of Gout?


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