Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Prepare for Conception

Believe it or not, your child's health is affected by many things that happen before he or she is even conceived. Biologically, your body's internal environment at conception has extremely powerful influences on your future child's health and well being. Experiments done on mice showed that the nutritional status of the mother during the first 4 days after conception (even before the embryo had implanted in the uterus) had enormous influences on the mice's health later in life.

To prepare for conception there are a number of steps taken that should be discussed:


First, we need to evaluate and reduce any toxins in your body. Many circulating toxins can pass the placental barrier and can negatively influence fetal development. Second, we also need to optimize your nutritional & dietary status. There is a lot of research on how nutrition & diet affects fetal development. It is very important to identify and correct nutritional and digestive insufficiency as a healthy and efficient digestive system equals a healthy and nutritionally sound individual.

Finally, we need to address underlying constitutional weaknesses and any other pre-existing conditions. For example, if you have any cardiovascular conditions that are not addressed it could lead to a high-risk pregnancy. Even things that are borderline normal prior to conception, for example blood sugar that is on the high end of normal, can become gestational diabetes.

It is very true that "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Addressing these issues prior to conception can not only help enhance the chance of conception and pregnancy, but can also help to optimize your baby's health during pregnancy and post delivery.

If you are generally healthy, with no pre-existing conditions, we recommend coming in at least 6 months (+/-) prior to the time you plan to start trying to conceive. If you have a pre-existing condition, we recommend you come in at least 6-12 (+/-) months prior. Certain conditions such as obesity or other more severe medical conditions may require more than 12 months of treatment.

Well, to ease your anxiety moments regarding pregnancy, you can read this 3 trivia about it.

1. If your baby is born in May, chances are it will be an average of 500 grams heavier than if your baby is born during any other time of the year.

2. A woman's uterus expands to 500 times its normal size during pregnancy.

3. Eating fish during the first trimester will increase a child's IQ.

More trivia to follow!

Prepare for Conception


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