Thursday, September 22, 2011

Build Muscle Even If You're Skinny - A Guide to a Muscular Body

Is there a difference in how muscle mass is built on different size body frames? The answer is yes if it is a metabolic issue. If you have a man with a well over 12 percent body fat index, you would easily determine his strength training would also contain a weight loss goal. A man with a 12-14 percent body fat index would likely drop the fat index in a strength and muscle building routine. The troubling one is the skinny man with an extremely low fat index percentage that can consume more calories in a day than the hefty guy; his muscle-building program needs be carefully monitored.

I'm skinny and want to build muscle bulk:


Before beginning a training program, invest in an inexpensive blood work test to see if it is a medical metabolic issue such as hyperthyroidism where the basal metabolism rate increases because of the thyroid's overproduction of hormones. If caloric intake is high without any weight gain, than chances are it is metabolic issue.

However; if the caloric intake is high in combination with above average exercise say in a labor intensive job, it is likely you just have a great metabolic rate and a muscle building program has just a few minor tweaks to it.

Either way, so that there is no permanent damage and for ease of mind, seriously consider getting a thyroid blood screen before you take any further action.

I'm just skinny!

A goal planning chart is a good asset to any muscle building program, but when you're skinny it is almost necessary to keep on target. Your muscle-building program will have a supplement program, a hydration schedule, a meal and calorie intake chart and schedule and finally your bulk up muscle building program.


Everyone should consume a minimum of eight, eight ounce glasses of water per day, but in muscle building work-out days should be increased to a minimum of eighty ounces. For a man with a high metabolic rate up to one hundred ounces on work out days spaced throughout the day. This will also help move toxins out of the body.

Meals and snacks:

Meals should be a count of four to six per day with an equal number of healthy snacks. The reason is to trick the body into equalization of metabolic burn. By feeding the body often throughout the day it does not have to work as hard reserving caloric intake for a fat index increase. It should be a no brainer to eat healthy grains, vegetables, fruits, meats and nuts, as well as to increase protein rich foods.


A protein mix along with an increase of vitamins D, E, A, B-12 and B complex and Omega 3' fatty acids along with a mineral supplement will ensure your body can access it needs and utilize caloric intake for muscle mass. I am prone to spray or drinkable vitamin and mineral supplementation because of its absorption rate. Capsules and pill forms do not break down as well for absorption. Again, consult with a doctor before you make any decisions about supplements. If your body cannot handle them, they can cause severe damage.

Build Muscle Even If You're Skinny - A Guide to a Muscular Body


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