Thursday, September 22, 2011

When To Wean Your Baby From The Bottle

I've seen many parents giving their children bottles at age 3, but weaning from the bottle can for real be done nearby 12-18 months of age. In fact, both my children were weaned off the bottle shortly after their first birthdays. Weaning was relatively stress free because I had established eating and sleeping routines early on. A few minor changes in these routines was all it took to wean them wholly off the bottle.

There are a few reasons why I decided to wean my children from the bottle at this age:


A child who drinks from the bottle has a greater opening of developing tooth decay and improper dental development.Bottle feeding can interfere with a child's nutritional needs because they may not consume enough solid foods.It may be more difficult to wean an older child from the bottle than a younger child.I hated washing bottles!
You're child still needs 16-24 ounces of milk each day, so you can start by slowly transferring the milk from the bottle to a cup or sippy cup. I did it one bottle at a time. I started giving them 8 ounces of milk in a cup, then 16, then 24.

As a parent, you should know when you're child is ready to wean from the bottle. You may feel that 12 months is too early, or maybe it's the right time. Listen to your baby's cues and select a time in your life that isn't loaded with stress. For example, a new sibling or provocative to a new home may be too much for your child to deal with, so it's good to wait until things resolve down.

When it comes to weaning, it's best to plan ahead and have some kind of idea in your mind as to how you'll go about it. The process can be long, but it's worth it in the end for both you and your child.

When To Wean Your Baby From The Bottle


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