What is Moringa Oleifera? This has been a question that has been starting to get a lot of press lately. Just like acai in the early 2000's, moringa is starting to get a lot of praise for its nutritional value.
Moringa Oleifera is only 1 of 12 different types of moringa that grow all over the world. The tree itself is relatively unimpressive and has been given the name drumstick tree and bottleneck tree due to the bulous nature that the bottom of the stem sometimes takes. The branches splay here and there and often sag with the immense amount of fruit on them.
From a botanical standpoint, the tree grows at a tremendous rate, which makes it great for cultivation in large quantities.
The reason this specific plant gets all the attention are because of the plethora of uses for the tree itself and the staggering nutritional value contained within its leaves.
When compared ounce for ounce moringa contains twice the amount of protein and quadruple the amount of calcium as milk. It also contains 4 times the vitamin A in carrots, 7 times the vitamin C in oranges and 4 times the potassium as bananas! In addition it also contains all the essential amino acids, a healthy dose of antioxidants and a serious amount of protein!
Moringa Oleifera can also be used for cooking and food oils, water purification, disinfectant, fertilization and a general food source. The tree is currently being used in Senegal and other African countries to treat malnutrition and provide a renewable food and resources for the villages.
People who are looking to buy moringa oleifera leaf powders or supplements will soon have a flood of products, but be weary. Only powders that were processed correctly will retain all the health benefits, so make sure your company has a good record and is not just trying to be the least expensive.
The possibilities are endless with this phenomenal plant. Moringa Oliefera truly is a "Miracle Tree".
Moringa Oleifera, The Moringa Miracle Plant 12 OUNCES EQUALS
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