Sunday, September 11, 2011

How Much Water Do We Need?

The idea's been ingrained into our head: we need 6-8 glasses of water daily. But after thinking about this requirement for a while, some other questions pop up. How large should the glass be? Does everyone need the same amount of water? Is it OK sometimes to substitute other drinks for water?

In short, the answer to these questions is: it depends. Even health experts debate about how much water we should consume daily, in order to get "enough." Some of them argue that we should consume 64 ounces or 6-8 glasses of water daily. Others suggest that we should only consume water when we're thirsty.


What's crucial is to remember that while the "6-8 glasses a day" rule isn't carved in stone, it provides a general guideline that all of us should follow. One important thing to note is that many of us aren't drinking enough water. We're guzzling down gallons of sodas and other sugary drinks, but too often we skimp on the amount of water that we drink. In fact, many of the so-called "fruit" drinks on the market are loaded with sugar-which somewhat cancels out the vitamins that we get from the drinks.

Also, various factors can impact on whether we need more or less than 6-8 glasses a day. For example, many foods such as cucumbers, lettuce, and melons are loaded with water. So when you eat such foods, you're also consuming a lot of water. While that doesn't mean you'll only need 1-2 glasses of water a day, you may need less than 6-8 glasses.

Another major factor that can influence how much water you need is how much you perspire throughout the day. If you exercise regularly, work in hot environments, and so on, then you'll need to hydrate more often than others do. Drinking water will provide many benefits, such as helping your body to maintain the right temperature. Consuming water can also provide several health benefits, such as keeping your skin soft, flushing out toxins, and helping you to lose weight. Did you know that water is the only natural food that contains zero calories?

Scientists are also studying the impact that age has on requirements for water consumption. Clinical studies seem to indicate the elderly require significantly more water than younger people do.

So how much water do we actually need? Here's one basic yet effective method. Divide your body weight (in pounds) by two. That will indicate how many ounces of water you should consume daily. For 20-minute intervals that you're physically active, you should also consume an additional eight ounces of water. Add another two more glasses of water if you live in a dry climate, and one glass of water for each hour you're on board a plane. And if you drink alcohol, match the quantity of alcohol you drink, with an equal amount of water.

So while we don't always need 6-8 glasses of water a day, it's definitely a good starting point. The real problem is that too few of us are drinking anywhere near that!

How Much Water Do We Need?


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