Saturday, September 17, 2011

Healthy Meals for Pregnant Women

Being pregnant is an exciting but a difficult and sensitive time for women. During this time women take care of not only themselves but their unborn child. This is not to say that women have to give up the foods they love. All they have to do is make smart healthy choices about the food they eat. This is what we will talk about today.

1: Portion Control


Nutritionists agree that women need about three hundred extra calories a day during pregnancy. This number is based on their weight before pregnancy though. Your Pre-Natal Nutritionist will be able to give you more details on your own serving size and your own eating plan customized just for you.

I want to make clear I am no doctor and these recommendations are only general. Talk to your doctor and nutritionist about your special needs.

2: Food Guidelines for Daily Use

Remember fatty foods like potato chips, donuts, and other junk foods do not provide the nutrition your child needs. They just provide empty calories that are of no nutritional benefit to anyone.

Now lets discuss what you should and can eat.

A: Six Ounces of grains daily-Steel cut oats, bran, 12 grain bread all have the grains you need. One ounce equals about one slice of bread.

B: Two servings of vegetables. One serving equals about one cup.

C: One Serving of Fruit-One serving to one cup ratio here also.

D: Three servings of Dairy-One serving is one ounce.

E: 5 Servings of protein- Same ratio applies.

One other must have nutrient for pregnant women is Folic Acid. This helps prevent spinal and birth defects in your child. Before and during your gestation take 40 micrograms a day.

By following these suggestions you will have no problem creating healthy meals for pregnant women.

Healthy Meals for Pregnant Women


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